I myself was having a hard time finding a bezel within my price range so i decided to get a little creative.

Arcade cabinet bezel.
Arcade 27442 artwork ultra high quality 2886 arcade bezels pixel graphics non vector 495 cabinets hardware 7295 arcade control panels 2178 arcade pcbs game boards 2837 flyers 4669 flyers other source 4857 high quality marquee scans 87 mixed artwork 2126 sammy atomiswave 12 computers and consoles 100207 other.
Arcade punks is a website devoted to home build arcade modders builders restorers and those that love the retro gaming scene we try and interact by supplying links and information of some use we rely on submitted links from a great team of readers and project owners.
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Here is a video on how to install a bezel on your arcade machine.
Check out our i.
Basically you go to like a michaels and have them custom make you a picture mat frame specifying the opening and the thickness of all the edges.
January 22 2012 071351 pm my cocktail is in pieces right now but to frame the lcd i used custom cut picture mat.
Bei mir stand in erster linie der commodore c64 im focus aber auch den arcade videospielautomaten konnte ich fruher einiges abgewinnen.
Basically the mat is black hard cardboard.
The bezel will hide the monitor and give your machine a more finished look.
Arcade machine bezel printed using lg premium vinyl printed at 1200dpi printed on 80mic polymeric stable no shrinkage from heat un like most cheap monomericsroland inks 80mic polymeric laminated to protect the image 7 10 year life.
Da die alten spiele ihren reiz immer noch nicht verloren haben entschied ich mich irgendwann selbst einen videospielautomaten arcade cabinet zu bauen.
Arcadeforge bartop bausatz komplett zusammengebaut und beklebt.
Not a picture frame mind you but the mat.
Die agentur fur arcade und videospielgrafik.
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